full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Meg Jay: Essential questions to ask your future self

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But for a little bit of background, in 2013, I gave a talk about why our tientews matter. So it's about almost 10 yreas later. I'm still a cailcnil psychologist who specializes in 20-somethings. But these days, the 20-somethings I see, they know their 20s matter. So they want to get them right. They want to move to the right city. They want to take the right job. They want to find the right partner. They want to have the right answers. Well, the bad news is there are no right answers. There are no right answers for where you should live or where you should work or how you should settle down. These are what are called "large world problems" because there are just too many uwknnons. No app, no arhgiotlm, no enneagram can ever solve these problems or answer these questions for you.

Open Cloze

But for a little bit of background, in 2013, I gave a talk about why our ________ matter. So it's about almost 10 _____ later. I'm still a ________ psychologist who specializes in 20-somethings. But these days, the 20-somethings I see, they know their 20s matter. So they want to get them right. They want to move to the right city. They want to take the right job. They want to find the right partner. They want to have the right answers. Well, the bad news is there are no right answers. There are no right answers for where you should live or where you should work or how you should settle down. These are what are called "large world problems" because there are just too many ________. No app, no _________, no enneagram can ever solve these problems or answer these questions for you.


  1. years
  2. unknowns
  3. algorithm
  4. twenties
  5. clinical

Original Text

But for a little bit of background, in 2013, I gave a talk about why our twenties matter. So it's about almost 10 years later. I'm still a clinical psychologist who specializes in 20-somethings. But these days, the 20-somethings I see, they know their 20s matter. So they want to get them right. They want to move to the right city. They want to take the right job. They want to find the right partner. They want to have the right answers. Well, the bad news is there are no right answers. There are no right answers for where you should live or where you should work or how you should settle down. These are what are called "large world problems" because there are just too many unknowns. No app, no algorithm, no enneagram can ever solve these problems or answer these questions for you.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
empathy gap 5
tough questions 3
great time 2
virtual reality 2
defining moments 2
courageous conversations 2

Important Words

  1. algorithm
  2. answer
  3. answers
  4. app
  5. background
  6. bad
  7. bit
  8. called
  9. city
  10. clinical
  11. days
  12. enneagram
  13. find
  14. gave
  15. job
  16. live
  17. matter
  18. move
  19. news
  20. partner
  21. problems
  22. psychologist
  23. questions
  24. settle
  25. solve
  26. specializes
  27. talk
  28. twenties
  29. unknowns
  30. work
  31. world
  32. years